The eldest of the family, Sara, comes of age and brings chaos to the family by announcing her intention to marry Ocho. Javier and Marisa try to avoid...
The formerly revered journalist Frank Molina finds himself in hiding, with his career shattered. However, he continues to write anonymously hidden in...
The life of Berta Muller, a successful writer, is shaken when, at the peak of her career, she is exposed in the media for plagiarism. Far from taking...
After the events of the summer, Ares and Raquel they don't see a way forward in their relationship and decide to go separate ways. But when they meet...
A lonely dog's friendship with his robot companion takes a sad turn when an unexpected malfunction forces him to abandon Robot at the beach. Will Dog...
Margarita immerses herself in the life of a young woman who, without knowing her true origin, finds a magical place where she can pursue her desires,...
Verano del '98 is an Argentine telenovela, produced by Cris Morena. It was broadcast on Telefe television in the period January 12, 1998-November 17,...
Torcuato and Bruno, two Spanish friends, flee from the Civil War to take refuge in Argentine territory. However, luck is not presented to them in the...