The film follows a passenger train traveling from Belgrade in Serbia to Bar in Montenegro. The train is stopped by armed Serbian paramilitary forces...
It is 1995. Mahir is a 38-year-old refugee from Bosnia, with unknown history, living in the hotel Pula, modified into a refugee centre. His days are...
This show is about a time in former Yugoslavia, mostly City of Zagreb at the end of 70' and beginning of 80'. In a dramatic and humorous way it tries...
Petra, a young, just graduated economist returns to her native village Lokvica to take part in illegal business of smothering tobacco and other goods...
Croatian version of the reality show in which a number of contestants live in an isolated house trying to avoid being evicted by the public with the...
The plot of the series takes us to Zaglav, the road to the remote area divides Zaglav into two opposing camps, on one side is the Macan family, newly...
When the bride-to-be of King Louis XIV is kidnapped, the sons of the original three musketeers rally to rescue her. Much to their surprise, a fourth...