Laura, a talented influencer and beloved friend to many, struggles as she becomes paralyzed due to a horrific accident caused by her lover, Jojo. More devastatingly, Laura only discovers Jojo's true nature after she becomes helpless. Ultimately, she realizes that family will always be the only place to return to.
Genre: Drama
Cast: Amanda Rawles, Kevin Ardilova, Carissa Perusset, Fadi Alaydrus, Jinan Safa, Kaneishia, Fachrul Hadid, Rafly Altama, Muhammad Fauzan, Niloufer Bahalwan, Unique Priscilla, Willem Bevers, Ony Seroja-Hafiedz
Crew: Hanung Bramantyo (Director), Manoj Punjabi (Producer), Alim Sudio (Writer), Shania Punjabi (Executive Producer), Mahran Haydar (Creative Producer)